Ozone Disinfection Systems

Ozone gas is produced by passing the oxygen gas (O2) in the air through a strong electric field and disintegrating its molecules, consequently inducing chemical reactions that produce O3 (ozone) molecules in return. To obtain ozone gas, the dry air in the environment can be used as well as oxygen-rich gases.

As oxidation capacity of ozone gas is extremely high, it can also be used for disinfection of water and eliminating organic/inorganic matters. Since ozone gas ultimately turns into oxygen and vanishes, it does not leave residues and the formation of any harmful by-products is minimal.

Below are some of the applications where Ozone Disinfection Systems are used:

  • Disinfection in Potable Water Bottling Plants
  • Disinfection in Potable Water Treatment Plants
  • Iron and Manganese Oxidation
  • Organic Matter Removal
  • Oxidation of Nitrite to Nitrate
  • Color Removal in Wastewater
  • Odor Removal

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