Urban Potable Water Treatment Plants

These plants are generally built for supplying potable and non-potable water to medium and large-scale residential areas. Thanks to treatment plant designs made according to the characteristics of the water source (creeks, lakes, rivers, dams, etc.), treated water can be obtained at a desired quality level.

The process steps vary due to raw water quality, flow rate, distance to the source and seasonal changes are taken into account in the design of the plant.

Depending on the quality of the water, the treatment plant comprises process units such as pre-chlorination, oxidation, physical treatment, chemical treatment, filtration, sedimentation, disinfection and sludge treatment. In order to provide hydraulic flow, gravity is made advantage of or intermediate pumping stations can be used according to the slope of the land where the plant will be installed.

Due to the provision of potable and non-potable water, and the obligation to run on a 24/7 basis compared to other treatment processes, ease of operation, maintenance and use is provided through proper design and installing an automation system. The plant can be continuously operated at optimal conditions depending on raw water quality, thanks to laboratory-supported measurements.

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