Grey Water and Rain Water Treatment Systems

Grey Water Treatment Systems:
Water coming from showers, baths, sinks, washing machines and dishwashers are usually called grey water. Recovery of this grey water has been constantly increasing in the recent years.

Grey water can be easily treated and reused as it does not contain domestic wastewater (black water) from toilets. The treated grey water can be used in a broad range of applications, e.g. in gardens, car washing, laundry rooms or toilet flushes. This way, treated grey water is used in these applications instead of clean water. Using treated grey water ensures that high quality clean water sources are protected.

Grey water treatment systems can be used in high buildings, schools, hotels, sports centers, big malls, houses and many other similar places. In order to recover grey water, it is essential that this water is collected and stored via a separate piping system. The stored water passes through the Grey Water Treatment System before being supplied to the relevant point of use according to the intended use.

Rain Water Treatment Systems:
Reusing the rain water collected in roof gutters is one of the measures to reduce use of water and provide water savings. Water consumption is reduced when the collected rain water is used in toilet flushes and garden irrigation. Using rain water can provide savings of around %50. Rain water can also be used in storage tanks of fire fighting systems.

The technique used for collecting rain water offers advantages as it is easy and cheap. It can be applied on almost all types of slopes. Water transfer losses are quite low compared to large irrigation systems. About %50 of the water required for the water use in the house can be provided with this method. Rain water can be used in building washing, cooling towers, fire fighting, house cleaning, irrigation, laundry washing, pool or pond filling, toilet flushes and car washing.

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